Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Amaurot Gungeon Guide

Congratulations on reaching the best dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV to date. After going through ups and downs, decided to show you what he is fighting for and what he is fighting for. In fact, you will bring you back to the past with his peculiar magic, and you will witness the disaster suffered by his people in the ancient city of Amaurot. In this guide, we will take you through what happened before. The First Beast Like the blood-spreading thing, "First Beast" is a real horror monster. Its gaping maw and piercing white eyes could haunt your dreams with ease. And it ’s about to haunt you right now. Toxic Breath is a cone-shaped AOE, but if you raise in the usual way, the team will not avoid it. Each meteor shower should be placed on the same side of the arena to limit the impact area based on proximity. When the marker disappears from your head, run to the opposite side and avoid any Falling Sky markers that pop up along the way. Then, the boss in l...