Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Amaurot Gungeon Guide

Congratulations on reaching the best dungeon in Final Fantasy XIV to date. After going through ups and downs, decided to show you what he is fighting for and what he is fighting for.

In fact, you will bring you back to the past with his peculiar magic, and you will witness the disaster suffered by his people in the ancient city of Amaurot. In this guide, we will take you through what happened before.

The First Beast

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Amaurot Gungeon Guide

Like the blood-spreading thing, "First Beast" is a real horror monster. Its gaping maw and piercing white eyes could haunt your dreams with ease. And it ’s about to haunt you right now.

Toxic Breath is a cone-shaped AOE, but if you raise in the usual way, the team will not avoid it. Each meteor shower should be placed on the same side of the arena to limit the impact area based on proximity. When the marker disappears from your head, run to the opposite side and avoid any Falling Sky markers that pop up along the way. Then, the boss in line of sight avoids "Final Sky" by hiding behind a newly fallen rock and prepares to escape the collapse of the building again. You will see a text prompt.

From there, it was almost a cycle. Just from now on you can see the "falling sky" barrage without interruption. You may need to eat one in "Final Sky" to avoid being stoned to death. As long as you have not taken it before, it will not be life-threatening.

Terminus Bellwether

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Amaurot Gungeon Guide

Here, you will notice that the beast's health has dropped rapidly. But don't expect a short fight. Terminus Bellwether, with a total score of 50%, partnered with Shrill Shriek and left the arena. Instead, there are waves of monsters for you to send. Bind the detonator to the DPS-the healer needs to heal when he dies. In the second group, focus on the Oiler, and then restore the Healing Magic Down debuff. After breaking through the last wave, the main station lord will dive down.

From here, nothing more than a DPS game. Burn it before completing the burst, and you will defeat the victory. In any case, after a weakened burst. Make sure you have joined before. 50k + damage is enough to reduce your HP by about 80%.


Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers Amaurot Gungeon Guide

This is one of the most claustrophobic fights yet. Therion is related to laser performances. Shadow wreckage is AoE within the entire team, but in any case, basically, every attack will hit more than one player.

The casting of Apokalypsis is a hint that you can run on a micro platform on either edge of the arena-avoid any glowing platforms, as they will break during the projection. Be careful not to drop and stay until the laser cannon stops. You need to back up further on the field to avoid too much damage during Therion Charge. Every time you cast, the boss will approach you and slowly shrink the available space.

Then there is the death ray-a series of lasers produced on the left and right sides. Only one side will fire at a time, but there is no easy way to know which one starts first. If you are caught, go quickly and prepare to move back to avoid the next one. Soon after, the Death Thunder will shoot in the entire arena in a similar manner. At this point, you have learned everything you can see. Just learn to make your own efforts in the increasingly sparse arena, and then complete it.

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